Texas 6th
Congressional District


Population Election Office Incumbent Term Length Term Limit
770,255 Directly Elected Member of the House of Representatives Jake Ellzey None

Upcoming Elections

Election Count Down Election Date
United States House of Representatives Elections, 2026

Event Timeline

United States House of Representatives Elections, 2024
United States House of Representatives Elections, 2022
Jake Ellzey Republican Party Texas 6th 149,321
Jake Ellzey begins Member of the House of Representatives
United States House of Representatives Special Election in Texas (6th), 2021
Phil Gray Libertarian Party Texas 6th 265
Christopher Suprun Democratic Party Texas 6th 102
Jana Lynne Sanchez Democratic Party Texas 6th 10,518
Jenny Garcia Sharon Republican Party Texas 6th 150
Dan Rodimer Republican Party Texas 6th 2,088
Jake Ellzey Republican Party Texas 6th 10,865
Susan Wright Republican Party Texas 6th 15,077
Brian Harrison Republican Party Texas 6th 8,485
Shawn Lassiter Democratic Party Texas 6th 6,973
John Anthony Castro Republican Party Texas 6th 4,321
Tammy Allison Holloway Democratic Party Texas 6th 4,240
Lydia Bean Democratic Party Texas 6th 2,923
Michael Wood Republican Party Texas 6th 2,509
Michael Ballantine Republican Party Texas 6th 2,225
Daryl J. Eddings Sr. Democratic Party Texas 6th 1,654
Mike Egan Republican Party Texas 6th 1,544
Patrick Moses Democratic Party Texas 6th 1,189
Manuel R. Salazar III Democratic Party Texas 6th 1,120
Sery Kim Republican Party Texas 6th 889
Travis Rodermund Republican Party Texas 6th 460
Adrian Mizher Texas 6th 351
Brian K. Stephenson Democratic Party Texas 6th 271
Matthew Hinterlong Democratic Party Texas 6th 252
Ronald Wright resigns Member of the House of Representatives : Passed away due to Covid-19.
United States House of Representatives Elections, 2020
Ronald Wright Republican Party Texas 6th 179,507
Stephen Daniel Democratic Party Texas 6th 149,530
Melanie A. Black Libertarian Party Texas 6th 10,955
Ronald Wright begins Member of the House of Representatives
Joe Barton resigns Member of the House of Representatives : Retirement.
United States House of Representatives Elections, 2018
Jana Lynne Sanchez Democratic Party Texas 6th 116,040
Ronald Wright Republican Party Texas 6th 135,779
Jason Harber Libertarian Party Texas 6th 3,724
United States House of Representatives Elections, 2016
Joe Barton Republican Party Texas 6th 159,444
Ruby Faye Woolridge Democratic Party Texas 6th 106,667
Darrel Smith Jr. Green Party Texas 6th 7,185
Joe Barton begins Member of the House of Representatives
End of Data
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